Friday, December 31, 2010

Abandoned Railroad (Eliot Cardinaux)

  Abandoned Railroad

When puffs of smoke
moving handworn
music of a moment
is unlocked, and sound
placed upon an open chamber
finds its rattle –
in blessèd heed,
find the abandoned railroad
in the self-less figure
where began to separate
and look upon
no person but
a frame in which
cool water often waited,
there is strength
to be spoken.
by another,
whom that figure
in the autumn
            only color –

                        December 31st, ’10

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two Pastorals and a Pastoral Song - (Jim Krull)

 (These three come from "Old Poems", and were written perhaps '07)

First Pastoral

                                    Quietly rolling along
                                    still there
                                    between a finished hose, and side t'bear
                                    Our distant portals wait beside creeping
                                    white line, pretty aside, how
                                    hollow and so missed
                                    Fixed through raining slides near
                                    seven, and be fenced, in
                                    considering where on the hill put denied,
                                    we're place yellows, whites, pinks are listless
                                    Frayed I can see moving about
                                    along quietly.

Second Pastoral

                                    From separate segmentations
                                    Open hatch-costs, thread
                                    Symbol lovely luc
                                    Calls,    thundering glass
                                            a thundering glass over on camille
                                            or ale comme, or sandy heel
                                            yeswhes yes, to the left
                                            alas fashion bikini, last
                                            left, the rack slirr life for nice,
                                            play, alittle dance to entertain

Pastoral Song

                                    We'll no more for are full
                                    besides their preparation, for are opposite
                                    place-absent, of so it is
                                    When the dust came up,
                                    Poured on them

                        Reprise:                        Have both graze won the bank
                                                            Eating-hinges black white and

                                    What would it (laugh) be for
                                    (inside in outside, on the side-mount)
                                    Now and newly painted sheets
                                    Flash constant moving convert
                                    from point to spoken play
                                    on the shore of yellow open sounds.
                                                In victim pointing on a flash
through single movement and around
we shall be sour to lay.

                        Have both graze won the bank
                        Eating hinges black white and

Monday, December 27, 2010

Les Dryades (Eliot Cardinaux)

   Les Dryades

Je vous vois
frisonner parmi les ombres
là où la brise
se donne au fond.

Je vous vois
Chanter parmi les ârbres
Où visiblement clair
Le bruit se plonge en bas.

Les bras
De vos corps subtiles
se donnent au ciel,
ô prisonnières de bois,

si fluide comme un songe
parfait, sensiblement
j’vous derange
de dormir, si lointaines, si long.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

J'ecouterai (Eliot Cardinaux)


J’ecouterai dans ton âme
quel inquietude;
            (sonner le cloches
parmi ces ârbres!)  Le fôret dont
il donne son soif aux pierres,

qui ne chante pas
avec toi – Ah, ’l n’y a personne
qui chante là, ni de rien
parmi ces arbres, ni feuilles
sur les branches, cher

  I’ll listen

I’ll hear, in your soul,
what disquietude;
            (sound the bells
among these trees!)  The forest where
he gives his thirst to stones,
                        who sings not
with you – Ah, no one here sings
nor of anything,
amidst these trees, nor are there leaves
on the branches, dear


                 Written and translated by E. Cardinaux

Etranger, (Eliot Cardinaux)


Que j’ai tant entendu son cri
dans l’abysse de m0n âme!
Ni fuit; à la mer sur l’horizon,
les choses fantastiques couchant
aux coraux.
Et qu’il lui fait aucun soif,
aux choses parfaites, le bruit du vent
retournait pas à la mer.

Mais la blessée mit au coin;
d’autres figures dans les tenèbres
attendent par la fissure,
lui laissent autant
qu’il ecoute

la chanson du soleil,
clarté inconu des jours!


O, that I’ve heard his cry
so long, in the abyss of my soul!
Nor flown; at the sea, on the horizon,
fantastic things laying down
in the coral –
And that it gives him no thirst,
of things perfect, the sound of the wind
returned not to the sea.

But her, injured, somehow cornered;
other figures in the shadows
wait by the fissure,
leave him so that
he hears

the song of the sun,
            clarity unknown of days!

                 Also written, translated, by Eliot C.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Fragment - (Jim Krull)

How'd if inscribed incorrectly   ,   (oh there
                    Is never enough, A Payer pays
                    Again   , to the salmon-fish go up   ,
        Though in the toe of the water   ,
        On the river Industry               for symbols (un-)leading   ,
                    In a part-fool's rhyme, that if
                    Had (that)) aggain   , (haven't  ,  how easily
Forgotten (after, should it not be obvious enough)  , though she
(Not any of that portions previous were her portions   )
                                                        Be in a line   )
                                                        I may.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A translation from Le Marteau sans mâitre (The Hammer without a master) - René Char

  La Rose Violente

Oeil en transe miroir muet
Comme je m’approche je m’éloigne
Bouée au créneau

Tête contre tête tout oublier
Jusqu’au coup d’épaul en plein coeur
La rose violente
Des amants nulls et transcendants.

  The Violent Rose

Eye in a trance, mirror mute,
As I approach I withdraw, 
Bouy on the battlement;

Head against head, all to forget,
'Til the shoulder blow upon the heart,
The violent rose
Of null and transcendent lovers.

René Char, from Le Marteau sans mâitre,
                           (The Hammer without a master)
Translated by Eliot Cardinaux 12/19, ’10

Monday, December 20, 2010

Turtle and Outcast (Eliot Cardinaux)

Nature is a rock that can be entered
through an outcast’s crop of ragweed.
Already he has found the substance to be chilled. 
And in the cup the smoke has turned
30 years, 40 years, 50 years back
to where the tree made its root,
and bird-song has reached across the universe
into the outcast’s ear and through his garden.

Let’s leave this place, it’s dull,
cries the outcast into the black hole.
And he and the turtle he had known all along
started off for that long forsaken home.

                        December 15th, ’10

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Also (Mark Ge)


My good friend came by today
I was tired out of my mind, back home from holiday shopping
the mall filled to the brim with horny women and their male friends
that's when I noticed your back at the check out counter
could it be?
Oh it is you
my once upon a time lover
with my mother in line
what to do...
oh how awkward, I have to use the restroom
no we shall wait
oh and there are several other cashier clerks
but we get you
you played it real cool
acted like you didn't know me
haven't seen me before
but what to do now?
As I walked around the mall smiling all day
thinking it was you that I held in my arms
embracing our naked bodies in my cramped ghetto apartment
should I message you on your iPhone?
To say that I liked seeing you today
though not necessarily in the same context
even though I love mom
and my good friend
who has just left
who I've also been to bed with

Brazilian Boy (Mark Ge)

Brazilian Boy

Brazilian boy
with existential eyes
dancing on the pole
next to black dancers
Brazilian boy looks at me from across the room
the disco lights light up making for a fountain of illumination
I drift towards him
my Brazilian boy
he and I talk while he whips it out
a tiny dancer
in nowhere land
skinny, tan, and waiting to be picked up by someone rich
unlikely he'll give a call
unlikely he'll write
the only chance you can see my Brazilian boy
is if you go to the clubs
and sift through the smoke
with drinks in the air
the jukebox on all night
thumping, grinding, on the pole
he'll only be interested if you bite

Friday, December 17, 2010

Poem II from "Poems and Songs", First Part - (Jim Krull)‏

There is a shade past the veil
That covers the moving limbs
With the grass carries the wind as a sail.

Many images fill the simulation
Of what you may do near the lake,
As a secretly lost criminal

Evades impressions for the sake
Of a wholly owned idea ;
She was very close, past the stake,

Too distant for a plea
Of where she had come from
And turned to, return(ed) to the seal

Of her natural heir's dominion
Bubbles with the matting entwined
Through a foreign location,

(For she walking with her dogged
Expression,) up the hill
Now carrying hidden what was mined?

Look by the ray still
Comes though the low sheet
This is now the time to will

And now grace an attempt to meet.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Queenie (Mark Ge)


I need out
to further Russia, enveloped
holed up and sober
I always miss the train, blame it on mother
whose sober abuse reeks like wet horses
and I miss you
even though you have not left
and I'd be your most tenderest gift in the world
if only third world drag queens made me, me
but I'm ok in this body
this language
however unrefined

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love Poem (Sean Ali)

Love Poem
If my love were hot asphalt,
            I’d tar and feather you.
If my kisses were little holes,
            I’d polka dot you,
                        All over.
If my embrace was a corset,
            I’d pull the strings
                        Tight around your waist.
If my tongue were a paintbrush,
            I’d make a mural of your body.
If my words were truly honey,
I’d have a beehive for a mouth.
If my fingertips were little seafarers,
            I’d circumnavigate your globe,
                        North to south.          
If my love was sticks and mud,
            I’d build a dam against the flow of time.
If my love were a thief in the night,
            I’d be the perpetrator of a crime.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Santa Maria Maggiore, p. 92 - (Jim Krull)‏

(after an illustration in "Grieben Bildband 202 a  ROM")

Populated rooves of angels       men,
Above the convexed scene is plain
       Unadorned spaces-between and windows,
Curve after dot, thin and fat
       The color some is light and others darker,
Largest sign and symbol in contrasts;
       Of the right-most light shines through.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Translation from Les Fleurs du Mal (Eliot Cardinaux)

  La Beauté  (Beauty) 
          Charles Beaudelaire

I am beautiful, o mortals! Like a dream of stone,
And my breast, where each one bruises himself in turn,
Is made to inspire love, in the poet,
Eternal and mute as matter.

I am throned in the azure like a sphinx, misunderstood;
I level the heart of snow with the whiteness of swans;
hate the movement which displaces lines,
And I never cry, I never laugh.

The poets, before my grand attitudes,
Borrowed from the proudest monuments,
Consume their days in studious austerity;

Since I have, to fascinate these docile lovers,
Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful:
My eyes, my large eyes of eternal clarity!

                                                        Translated by EC

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Variation on “Wilted Rose” (Sean Ali)

Burgeoning bud,
            the fleshy hand
Clean of the mud,
            clean of the sand
No form, no shape,
            No wine of the grape
A brewing storm
            from touch of the nape
In sand we sift,
            with fleshy hand
                        for gold
                                    we grip

The burgeoning bud
            is laughing a laugh
                        while the shepherd holds
                                    his rickety staff

How art thou staid,
            O soul of mine?
When the body is frayed
            by ravaging time
Without the shape, without the form
            it stood erect
                        although forlorn
Without the shape, without the form
            it stood still
                        amidst the storm

How art thou staid,
            O, soul of mine?
Whither hast flown
            this vanishing line?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Fragment from "The Aim", Pt. 3; l. 60-125 - (Jim Krull)

He who merits whatever                                                                    60
            "And this, writes Jeremiah, is the answer
he received: 'Say not, I am a child :
for thou shalt go to all that I shall
send thee, and whatsoever I command
thee thou shalt speak."
All goes quiet, for alien is not around
Nor monsters from the deep sewer,
Marine entering
              lower of the first levels; Each
              has more than enough to pile                                               70
              most of the scaly enemy.

Tell me how to put this tower of sand
          as neatly all completed rows
Seed the errand of comparison
          filled by drops and the crook'd line crown

                                    Out of the window-draws
                                    feet,                                                            80
                                    inaudible and green ---
                     Blindless, cloth-less  ---
The repetition seen naked in the night against
                     shows a costume-less dance.

Each of these could bind the tear and tide.
Round and from afar
(with the urged eye)
                     placed into words                                                        90
from actions, then back (in)to words
the one section does not nullify

One error in set
Makes the others forfeit.

only makes the first (action-image) stronger.
In the present circumstances
refrain encourages farther distances,
the numbers...1,3,1...are forward;                                                      100

Bonds are once mechanically altered,
The filed extension of the - closest - tower

Hooks and gone-lid signs
are the game of bird's
quick playful movement

Everyone marked
this song-lit thread                                                                            110
joined parts far motion,
the water comes upward to the sound.

The approach of something new
...of the newly visioned
Where in lacking strength of sight
Show of visible process
Where the before unseen hue
Without long roar-less night.
Those who rest in the deepened
Whole halls of memory, that after spring
                 It is heavy, gives weight impression
to the hands, the floating spectre
intention fools miss.

Invocation (Sean Ali)


Walking mistrust
The knife in the heart
The smart kiss lust
Persuasion her art
            my angel,
                        pure light
            and devoid of will
While that one with fall
Knocked from a great height
Laps up the metallic blood spill
Makes the promise of death to forestall

Sauntering disinterest
And a trust that’s been missed
Your trust has been placed in the mist
And you dead ones
            lying under faded stone:
What wine have you tasted?
On what crags were you tossed and left alone?
What women have you kissed?
What tryst of dawn left you afire in ossified bone?
From what perils have you hasted,
Where the heart as a sculpture stood
When all the rest had abandoned the good?
What end did you meet in that shadow of a standstill?
By what mysterious force, what unknowable will?

Two New Poems For Today from Mark Ge


Counterfeit or real?
Like simulated isolation
a quarter, fifty cents for say half an hour
shredding coffee beans in the mid morning
just having gotten out of bed
the break ins unbearable
all the smoke in the air
the television sound on in the other room
as incense flows
terracotta buildings
puddles of water
an ice cream cone
and then the memories fade
and I'm still here in Massachusetts
...without a dime

Medicine Transcripts

My old movies unreturned, weeks late
banana peels on my table
medicine before defecation in the morning
makes me wonder if I am doing it right
like drinking coffee while pissing

Walked to the store today
to listen to the traffic

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Two unrelated poems (Jim Krull)

Gather behind some Philosophers
            to defend yourself
If guilty is part of
            the metaphysical regimen
He had "moved to a level"
           (To among the best)
That is all that can be said
            of Earth's religion.


            First Love Poem

I am sitting in the square
Of a great English leader and heir
To ruling, his globen arrow
Masses the continent's sorrow.

Here is my bird, my bush and faun
Having prayer near my lawn,

Red night oh quickly be done
So tomorrow soon will bring
The next beaten tone
Precisely you song (or whisp'ring).

                             (from "Old Poems")

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



I only eat and drink domino's pizza and diet coke
and only communicate through advertisements
yours and mine on a dilapidated television
I tap into the waters

crystal clear, waters
like a John Denver song
mixed with angel's toe nails

people say that one third of the population is gay
I am like a fluffy pillow
we have our hearts on our faces
I like candy

I like it
I like it
I like it
I like it too much

-Mark Ge

Dove (Eliot Cardinaux)

Road from my pen,
it's a road nonetheless,
night on the inside
catching birds.

Warm-lit rooms,
the sounds of cars,
I tell myself, "stop,
and go further from the road."

There's a garden.
And an Olive tree from Syria,
where a dove has learned to fly each day 
from the wounds love left in the land.

Fly dove, from this stone building.

Fly to my sleeping love like two moons in a water jar.
Carry your message toward two prayers without reason,
and the flames in your body to no destination
so an angel's psalm can continue in the oranges on the table.

Hold his embroidery to the light
when two churches spend their nights far above the cemetery,
and fly to the sun, dove, scattering leaves
about you like the ashes of three shepherds.

And descend on extended wings, dove of america,
dove of Wallace Stevens, poet who died peacefully.

                        November 24th-December 1st, '10

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

IV, From "Animal Dreams" (2010) - (Sean Ali)

And sulfur rose
             from the sacrifice
             smoldering slowly
             and split his skull
              with madness
                                                And clay pots
                                                        house the tears
                                                        of our forgotten dead
                                                Whose ghosts sway
                                                         with the shadows
                                                                       of all objects

                                                                                                in endless prostration
                                                                                                    to god
                                                                                                      who created them
And blood has stained
                  the grassy blades
And now the deer
                  do not eat of it
Nor do cattle graze
                                                  And running streams
                                                              cannot cleanse the earth
                                                   Fish jump not from
                                                               these streams
                                                                                              Birds bathe not
                                                                                                     in our fountains
                                                                                              For no bird bathes
                                                                                                         on surface
                                                                                                              of dry stone
And there the flame
                 will flicker
                         for a while
Fighting the steady wind
                                                  And the old women
                                                                will wail
                                                                        with grief
                                                  To the night
                                                                polluted with history
                                                   Beat their chests
                                                                and fall silent
                                                                                                And the silence
                                                                                                     will be sanctuary
                                                                                                             to the echo
Another body,
              bloated with ambition
has turned up dead
              in the morning frost
The stars’ iridescence
                 will burn you red
                                                      And your lips
                                                              will dry and crack
                                                      Your eyes bleary
                                                               and stinging
                                                       Your lungs coarse
                                                                and rasping
                                                                                        Claim defeat
                                                                                           with tragedy and reserve
                                                                                        Claim your final breath
                                                                                                            with serenity
And the night
              will blaze
The rent earth
The soil baked
              with summer
                      locust heat
                                                     And fire burns in Babylon
                                                     Fire burns in Jerusalem 
                                                     Fire burns in Alexandria
                                                     And fire burns in Jericho
                                                     Burns in Constantinople
                                                                In Athens,
                                                                In Rome.
                                                                                          We reach for the sun
                                                                                          And you split the earth
                                                                                          We clamor to heaven
                                                                                          While you close the gate