Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bare Trees (Eliot Cardinaux)


Bare Trees

Is it you that I search for
as you watch me
(and will I ever find)
but questions

Bare trees
purple in the snow

And there are some
that will go
into the deep halls
without expecting

and some silence
others still
will hold forever in their hands

But you who will
spite the echo
have far fewer hands
and left them there,

like water
through water,
both sides;
it stands.

The Elk (Eliot Cardinaux)


The Elk

Naked I step out among you
but the land is only land.

Whistlers in the thicket
the traveler sets his bags

has turned into the

and stammered.

They wear on their backs
as fleas.

Like death to watch
were the storm infinite

and how the houses cold
the sun new,

the elk
live long, remember;
like summer
taking off the hats.