Saturday, November 13, 2010

(Ex)colere, exercere, studere - by Eliot Cardinaux

Cast in a glimpse,
bronze angles,
cry for us –
what was tempered
from the dust;
we were not,
our eyes were not,

all that did not belong to us.

Gathered, they gathered
the wheat, the moonlight,
the word spoke,
the young, was a drab shawl
and marked the man, Abel’s brother
for what crime he didst commit.

And Hesse, in doubt,
called to an older friend,
from his youth
and called not.

And was no sermon
and Pilate was not there,
the students
and Pound’s beard,
but a stubble.

And envy spoke not,
silent, Academicus,
analysis, and spoke of it all,
and was not of shame.

And I awoke, seeing the birds around me,
burdenless, and the mountain was not,
and was not survival,
and the beholder stared upon the perceived
like a child with his mouth open,
and the birds around me,
turned not their eyes.

And drank, they drank coffee
in the room, furnished with old oak,
and the book, covered with dust,
and on the shelf,
a bust of Ceasar,
soggy with whining.

Amherst, November 2009-January 6th, 2010

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