Saturday, November 13, 2010

Four Poems by Mark Ge

The Damp Grass

I will shower until I am finished
I will sleep until I am ready
I had a lover once but he is gone
into/outside of
these walls of desire
that shake with the sounds of a cackling hyena
on turpentine grass
red rivers are blood streams that flow inside of us
our hairs on their end
like a kitten by a window sill
looking out to a gray, rainy afternoon

Flower Paths

It is easy to say to yourself these things
that you say
to yourself
but once in awhile let me intrude
and make a point or two
that no one is coming in the end
that the sun will be warm for a long time
that people will probably not even exist in the very end
when things get sucked inside of black holes
where money gets poured into lottery tickets
when thickets surround you
after you lose your life

Bird Bath Death
An unskilled laborer 
tastes his first bird bath
and reacts to it excitingly

A pope stands on his two feet
dressing like RuPaul
reading scriptures to a massive crowd

An architect wearing his helm
designs the bird bath
and places it into the production line

And then she goes to the store
to buy it
and data loggers measure her strides

Because a bird bath is made for two
when a big dummy sits in it
splashing water on his thighs

Face the Planet

You're dressed like the movies
only nothing surrounds you
no one to notice your appearance
the electricity hums and the dandelions are monstrous
the tunnel is even creepier
radiation killed a nation
ten thousand balloons are released in North Korea
a facade, a boring replication
that irks big brother
and makes him want to kick some ass
across the seas where paper ships wrinkle
and fall into the ocean

For the Pioneer Valley

The richness of the land
we came upon
from different angles
pioneers sloshing forth
on uncharted territories
in Appalachian mountains
the spirit of signing
and marking the path
with a stick
first things first, eh?
We infiltrate the political system
disrupt the corrupted
feed fuel in the liberal fire
to consume a nation

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