Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poem VIII from the first section of "Poems and Songs" (Jim Krull)

It was a narrow dream
         of nine or ten-months,
Growing from one occurence
         to the next, in use
         to weather and our heads.

Nature that made a route
         from her heart to mind
Wintered a sun, gave
         clouds to the moon,
         all a beautiful tide;

In coincedence and folly
         our love was bloom.
In the unsaid moments,
         I recall,
         we hid ourselves into a

Return visit, perhaps
        to the home shared
As leaves to trees,  ---
        Then I cradled her foot,
        and she washed my seams.

Now, days before we meet again,
        Over looking the rosey garden
                          or the row of trees
        O'er and between the leaves
                          our gentle lovely-seasons pardon.

        Two seen in two days  ---
        Look! a figure in the distance!
        Imagination un-rewards the penance.

        If our hips were touching in the clay
        Our covered hips, or feet, or hands
Or if the sound of shoes,
        Our hidden moving image through
                          the branches were her here,
        Giving true-view to chance,
                          again another miss taken deer.


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